Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's About Time!

Well, our family blog hasn't been updated in AGES. Not since I {Lindsey} got engaged. So... I figured it was time for a little something new.

I have been updating my blog, so I don't feel like there's much to write, but it just seems like the right thing to do to update this lonely blog.

Here are some pictures from a long time ago. Does anybody remember any of these things?

That old white Suburban in the background and the Subaru {aka the Vomit Comet}

First day of school. Me with a triangle haircut. Broken glass by the door. Austin showing off his arms.

Family Picture. Dad's hair is so dark!

Two words: costume trunk.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

bRigham gest A new hair Do

Here are some pictures of Brigham with his "new do." He's so stylin' it's unreal!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

pictuRes you probAbly Didn't see...

...and if you did see them you probably don't remember (I know I didn't). Well, I was looking through my pictures trying to find something and I found alot of funny pictures that are fun and I had forgotten about (ending a sentence with a preposition? I think not, thanks to parentheses). I think I will start posting older pics for use to enjoy. These are from last summer at the pool (duh).


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Is everyone ready to go crusin'?
I've told each of you somethings but I don't think everyone knows all the details. So, I'll list some things and anyone who has any questions or suggestions can chime in.

Karlie, I listed you on my "sail and sign" account, so you should by able to go on line and print your fun pass.
Dad and I are planning on paying for the suggested (mandatory) tips that are collected all at the end of the cruise (it includes tip at the dinners, for the maid, etc. it's collected on the last day) The food is all included, soft drinks are the only thing that would be extra. warning, I bought Gwa a 12 oz. can of soda and it cost $2.41. There is, though, juice, milk and hot cocoa, all you can drink.

We need to be in Long Beach CA by about 2:00PM Monday, March 10 (yes, this Monday, in 6 days!)

Dad will drive the Honda which I hope will carry Me, Dad, Annie, Wes, and Bryce and Karlie if they want a free ride. I'm hoping Brad, Brandon or Lindsey will drive thier car and take Austin, we'll pay the gas. It will be more cost effective it we take only 2 cars. I think we should leave Mesa about 6:30am Monday morning. We need to take into account that there could be some car problems or delays and we can't be late or we miss the boat. If we're early, we can get on as early as12:00 and there is food being served then, I'm pretty sure.

A quick itineray:
Board the ship
life preserver demo, talk thingy at 5:00
dinner at 6:00

Day on Catalina Island, we port at 8:00AM (we can go to shore whenever we want but because we have to take a smaller boat to shore, the lines are long between 9:00am and 11:00am)
tour of the island
last small boat returns to the ship at 4:00
dinner at 6:00 - tonigh it the Captains dinner, fancy dress required

Day in Ensenada
take a tour to La Bufadora
Shop in down town
eat a taco or go back to the ship where there is food a plenty
dinner at 6:00
The ship stays in port until 10:00PM

full day at sea, some choices of activities are:
ping pong
towell folding demo
sitting on deck, reading a book
playing games in one of the several game rooms
work out in the gym
play mini golf

bad news Lindsey the Yoga classes aren't free any more. I guess we could sponser our own out on deck ???

the ship ports about 6:30, theN waits for clearance. We can either put our luggage outside our door the night before by 11:00pm and get a number and wait to be called while we eat a leisurly breakfast. Or we can carry off our own luggage as soon as we port and the ship is cleared for us to disembard. Everyone has to be off by 9:30 am.

Anyone have any questions?
Bring games, there are some on the ship but maybe not ones you like.
I saved the daily schedules if anyone wants to see them to know exactly what happens when.

I'm looking forward to a fun time. Being with my kids and hubby is one of my favorite things to do.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

bRighAm at 6 months olD

Karlie and Brigham were over tonight and it had been awhile since I had taken pictures of Brigham so I decided to bust out the gear. We had alot of fun and I am really pleased with how it turned out. I usually just let Karlie post these on her blog, but I decided to do it here as well. Enjoy!

This guy is so cute it is hard to believe.

I think this guy has some real raptor potential...

The bandaid is from the shots he got at his 6 month doctor visit.

Karlie says that there is a sound associated with this one and she can hear it in her mind.

