Monday, September 9, 2013

Hello Family,
Oops, the photos got inserted before the narrative. So scroll down and read first, then come back and look at the pictures (I'm learning).
There is now a pantry cupboard in the cellar entrance at the hall  

Brad saved the drywall for Brandon because he said Brandon liked doing it so much 

This is what the pantry cupboard looks like from the inside

Dad and Brad sanded down the concrete counter (I would like someone 
to add some photos of that if you have them). The a base coat of topping 
was applied. 

                                    Brad took out the sink for us, and furnished a new faucet.
Austin lined this (odd shaped) cupboard with

Cupboard with shelves, strategically placed
by Rhonda and JennyMother

Brandon insulated and drywalled the cellar.

Rumor has it that Mom dug the power pole out all by herself (It did help that
there had been lost of rain and the ground was soft). Two strong men did have to 
come help lift it out of the hole. 

Chad drove up Monday afternoon and hauled the little trailer to Mesa.
I was amazed that he could get all the way home, with no problems, with the tires that were on it. 
It will be fixed up and put in the Garden Spot Trailer Park. I think
Gwa would like that. 

I wanted to post some pictures I took of the work we got done at the cabin.  As I mentioned to some of you, dad and I are so grateful for all your help!

Remember how when you were all small you would "help"me or dad with a project or job? And what that really meant was that we were trying to get the job done while trying to teach you how to do it, at the same time, which usually calculated into more work than if you weren't "helping".

Well, you have grown into such good, confident, capable workers that now when you help, it's a BIG help. I am proud of the quality of work you are all able to do, independently.

We had a list of 18 things we wanted done before the cabin sold. Usually when we make a list we have a work day and get only a few item done. On the Labor day trip we were able to get 8 of the 18 done! I think that's amazing. We also sold the paddle boat, which was not on our list.

So, since all were not there to see the progress, I'll post some pics for you to see (and those who were there can see the progress again, I do love looking again!) In 2 pictures you will see nothing there, which is a good thing -one is the trailer NOT there, the other is the power pole NOT there, two good jobs done.

Thanks again to all who helped it all happen.

(I love all you guys, I'm glad you guys are my kids)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

News from Austin

Hello again family! It was longer than I thought it would be before I posted again, but here it is.

Recently I have been learning HTML and CSS to do some website design. It has been a lot of fun. I have been practicing on, so feel free to take a look at some of the stuff I have done, but keep in mind that it is a work in progress. My hope is to eventually be able to do a little bit of freelance development for some extra money.

I had both my job interviews. I did my best on both of them. I didn't have much of the experience they were looking for at Intel, but it was a good experience to be able to interview with them. They chose to hire someone else for the position. I had a "lunch date" with two people from Wright Engineering on Friday, and they called me that night to tell me I got the job. I start on the 28th and will be working about 25 hours a week.

Rhonda and I are soon going to be the Proud Parents of some vegetables! (the eating kind, not the people kind) I made a second planter box, and we planted in there. We now have two types of lettuce, spinach, radishes (to make us feel good about our gardening skills), snow peas, tomatoes, carrots, basil, and green onions. We also planted a few flowers- vincas and some other thing- by our back door.

 Congratulation to Rhonda! I am so proud of her and excited that she doesn't have to take any more classes. Thanks to everyone who came to support her!

I am glad for the summer too and finished this semester with my highest GPA yet: 3.53. I got my second and third A+ in college (even though the first two were in easy non-engineering elective classes).

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Jobs Ahoy! and a green thumb

Hello family! This is Austin here with his first ever actually-about-life-events-and-not-just-offering-money-or-trying-to-revive-the-blog real blog post! There have actually been some somewhat noteworthy (or blogworthy) things going on lately so I thought I'd put 'em on here for all to see. It also spares me from having to tell the stories multiple times. So, here goes.

The school year is coming to an end and with that, so will my bus-driving-job. I had applied for a few internships earlier in the year but had not heard anything, so I went ahead and got with Sub Zero Ice Cream and Yogurt to secure some income during the summer. Out of a lack of a better option, I was planning to return to bus driving the following year. But Scott (Rhonda's brother who lives in our complex) said there was an opening for an internship where he worked at Wright Engineering. The pay would be less then driving bus, but in an effort to get something Engineering-esque on my resume I decided to apply. I got an email back and we set up a phone interview. A day or two later, I got an email from Intel about in internship I had applied for there a month or two earlier. This is what I had been hoping would happen; it was just the kind of internship I wanted. This internship is actually run through ASU and could count as some credit. I set up a phone interview with them too. I had both interviews on Friday about a half hour apart. They went well and I have in-person interviews with both next week! I am excited for it and hope they go well. I'll update you on the blog after the interviews and let you know what I'll be doing.

Rhonda and I talked about making a planter box to have a mini garden at out apartment. I finally got around to making one. I reused some wood that I had used to make my tall bed frame when I was living at the parents'. It took a few hours in the shop, but I got the wood all cut down and the box assembled. It didn't turn out quite as nice as I had hoped, but it is still pretty nice. Saturday night I went with Lindsey (my expert gardening advisor) and we got soil, plants, and seeds. Tonight I lined the box and put the soil in. I am excited for out little garden! I am even thinking about making a second box with the rest of the wood to have more room.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dad's On

With Lindsey's help and bypassing the family security router, I was able to get on the family blog.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Hey Family! This is Austin. I thought it might be fun to revive this family blog and have everyone start writing on it occasionally, but I would like to know how interested everyone is. It that something you would contribute to or read? Let me know in the comments.