Friday, December 21, 2007

while playing tRumpet Austin got tireD first

The other night some people were playing trumpet and one of the persons (who had earlier claimed to be the best, some call him Austin) was the first to want to quit because he was tired and his lips hurt. Kinda funny after the previous post, eh?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Teaching Wesley

This picture was used to teach wesley how to add pictures to the blog. Oh, Brandon and I are so funny! ~Linds


Could someone show me how to import pictures onto the blog.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

National treasure

i just wanted to express my happyness for National Treasure Two! It will be out on Friday


Exciting News!

I just recieved a letter from ASU admissions and... I was accepted! In fall of 2008 I will be the newest ASU student in the family.

More News, Jenny (called "mom" by some) went to rent two trumpets for Brad and me, but apparently decided that she should buy them instead. Now the Burnhams own not one, not even two, but three of the exact same instrument! How exciting! She expects us to learn a christmas trio, but it won't be that good; Brad and Wes can't keep up with me. Oh well--I guess I'll just have to pick up their slack.

-The best trumpet player Ever!
(some call me "Austin")

Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Shopping with Dad?

If you meet me at the Walmart at Riverview on Thursday December 21 at 7:00 PM, I will be doing some Christmas shopping. If you would like to do some Christmas shopping for members of the family while I do, come and meet me and I will give you some cash to help do the shopping for those that you may or may not have drawn. I hope to see you there!


Saturday, December 15, 2007

Family Christmas traditions continue

Just in case you all just read the part of the Burnaham Bugle about you, there was information on the annual Burnham family Christmas party that I want you to all know.
Monday Dec 17 @ Eagles Eries school (ask Austin for directions). Dinner and a program. Starting time?? I'll have to check on that, but mark you calendars with the date.

Also, Dec 24th, football and chinese food for dinner, who's in??

Thursday, December 13, 2007

ReADy? New email address.

Hey everyone, I have been having some problems with Juno lately and decided to start switching over to something a bit better, so here goes. My new address is Not too hard to remember, eh? I will still keep the old one active just in case, but please try not to send anything there. Bryce, I know you like to send things to an address for me that is over ten years old (and long gone), maybe now you could remove the others and put JUST this one in your address book! (j/k)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Mom says...
Thanks to everyone for coming on the trolly. I had a fun time, thanks for your support!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Thanksgiving towers!

One of grandpa's brothers sent me the pictures he took of us building 'human towers' on thanksgiving. I thought you guys might enjoy them.

Here's the one where we all got off the ground (minus Brad... that would have been AMAZING!!!) For about 2.5 seconds. Take not of the looks on everyones faces, and of how hard Connie is pushing down on Brad's head.

And we all came a tumblin' down...

Brad looks pretty intense.

I have NO IDEA what you were even thinking, but it was not going anywhere good.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

woRk At last is founD

I was talking to Jake Brown the other day (for those of you who don't know who he is, he's one of the guys I go wakeboarding with) and he mentioned that they had just fired a guy and that I might be able to get a job doing deliveries and odd jobs. He works for the first counselor in my ward who is in the flooring business. I gave him a call and BAM! next thing you know I've got a job. I start full time next Thursday, the day after finals ends. I'll work part time once school starts again.

I want to get into engagment pictures (I mean I want to start taking them, not be in them). I'd like to do several a month. It'd be great if that were enough to support me. We'll see.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Semsester's Emd

Lindsey here.

I Finished my Mondsy Class last night. I gave a presentation and got my portfolio back, and the teacher actually asked to borrow my portfolio to make a copy for an example for next semester! I was flattered. I got an A in that class. That's nice. Today I had my last Tuesday class. I got my portfolio back in there and got an A in that class as well. I already finished my interning, my 5 week class with an A, and now just need to finish all my work from my last class and will have an A in there as well!!! It's such a GLORIOUS feeling! I LOVE IT!!!! CHRISTMAS AND FREEDOM, here we come :o)

Brad, once again, you won in the Burnham Bugle... way to go!

Monday, December 3, 2007

conceRt At westwooD

I went to the 7 p'clock Canticle and took my camera along. I wanted to get one of Austin on the triangle. I did. Too bad I wasn't able to get one of him with even a hint of thinking about trying to show some slight inclination of emotion. Can you say Epictetus? (He was a stoic Philosopher). Anyway, it sounded good.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Making Comments

This is Lindsey.

Just as a little side note fot those who may not know (I shan't mention any names...) you can comment on a specific post if you wish. All you have to do is click on 'comment' right under the post. I commented on Connie's post, and anyone who wants to read my response, or wants to respond as well may do so.

Love you guys!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Lindsey, This is AMAZING!

Thank you to Lindsey for setting this up for us. I've wished for it for quite a while. Thanks to everyone for their comments. I admire Austin for his honesty, I don't know if I would have admitted as much (and Brad says that you have a smokin deal @ $20 a month). Thanks to Brad for the photos, his comment made me chuckle out loud. And Bryce and Brig in camo is classic.
My hope for this site is, besides a little goodnatured banter, to keep everyone informed. My I not hear again, "I didn't know about that", or "You never told me". So may we post family events here and anything else helpful or amusing.


thanks again Lindsey

My First Post

Well this is Austin and this is my first time on here so I decided I'd post something. For mutual last night (Tuesday-we could not get a reservation for Wednesday) we went shotgun shooting at Red Mountain Trap and Skeet. It was my second time going and despite my hopes, I did worse than last time. I previously hit 18 of 25 clay pigeons; whereas this time I only hit 11.
Also, if you are still wondering how many texts I sent last month, it was about 950. Yes I know it's quite a few but oh well. Since I only get 250 free a month, I had to pay $71.90 for the extras, and because I had not payed my twenty dollars a month for the past ten months, the total came to $271.90. Quite pricey.

ginger bReAD houses

Here are some pics from the other night. My favorite is the one of Brigham concked out in dad's arms. Like father like son like grandson (Not that you'll find Bryce asleep in dad's arms, rather they all like to sleep and are quite adept). Also captured: the (not so) elusive DHUUUUU.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Oh I love it!

Oh I love this family blog!!! I can already tell it is going to be an amazing thing for us.
I too added my blog link on the side for easy access. (maybe someday I'll start writing on mine again...) I turned in a 6 page paper and big portfolio for my Bilingual Education class today and it is SO NICE to have that out of the way. I have another portfolio due tomorrow morning and that's what I need to be doing right now. I'm excited that the semester is drawing to a close and that Christmas is in the air! I just with this blasted cold would leave....

Austin... pray tell, how many texts did you use?! (I'm sure I've used more... haha)

Officially entering the blog!

Hi family!

Thanks for setting this up Lindsey! Me and Brig are official members now. I want to know how much Austin spent on text messages....fess up Austin!! I put my blog's link on the side so you can get to it with ease. I also included Brig and Bryce on the day Bryce went shooting (Sat). Brig wanted to feel included so he dressed up too! Can you see them???

Dad's first post

Bryce's birthday present came in today. It is the book by Nibley called "Enoch the Prophet". I will drop it off to him on the way home from work. I just got the Verizon bill for Copperstate and found that Austin is quite the text message users. You can ask him how many he did for the past month. Well that is it for me for now. Ciao famiglia.

Our Family Blog!

Here it is!!! Our family has a blog! Mom asked me (Lindsey) to set up a blog for the family. Well here it is. I hope that everyone can find xome joy in it, and finds it easy to use and navigate. Good luck to you all. I LOVE YOU!