Saturday, December 15, 2007

Family Christmas traditions continue

Just in case you all just read the part of the Burnaham Bugle about you, there was information on the annual Burnham family Christmas party that I want you to all know.
Monday Dec 17 @ Eagles Eries school (ask Austin for directions). Dinner and a program. Starting time?? I'll have to check on that, but mark you calendars with the date.

Also, Dec 24th, football and chinese food for dinner, who's in??


The Burnhams said...

dunno who's going to football, but my team is totally going to tear it up! I can't wait fo Christmas!

The Burnhams said...

That was Austin by the way.

The Burnhams said...

I will be there. Also, if your a burnham (excluding lindsey) sign your name.
