Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Semsester's Emd

Lindsey here.

I Finished my Mondsy Class last night. I gave a presentation and got my portfolio back, and the teacher actually asked to borrow my portfolio to make a copy for an example for next semester! I was flattered. I got an A in that class. That's nice. Today I had my last Tuesday class. I got my portfolio back in there and got an A in that class as well. I already finished my interning, my 5 week class with an A, and now just need to finish all my work from my last class and will have an A in there as well!!! It's such a GLORIOUS feeling! I LOVE IT!!!! CHRISTMAS AND FREEDOM, here we come :o)

Brad, once again, you won in the Burnham Bugle... way to go!


The Burnhams said...

It must be nice to be done. I still have four final to take. One is a take-home which is kinda nice.


The Burnhams said...

All those A's. I am proud of you!

The Burnhams said...

Ok, the last comment was from your mother. Do we have to sign everything? It seam it should say who ??