Thursday, January 31, 2008

It has finally been done!

Hello all!

Lindsey here.

I finally finished that blog about snowboarding. It's on MY blog if you'd like to read and comment. The link to my blog is right on the right hand side there--you can just click on it. Just as a warning, the entry is REALLY LONG! I hope you can enjoy it :o)

Monday, January 28, 2008

Hiking and First solid foods! (weird combo?)

Hello family!

Karlie here.
I have been meaning to post for a while but it's hard to do while holding Brig:). We had a great day on Saturday. We finally tried to give Brig "solid" foods...the oatmeal isn't solid at all but it's more textured than milk, I guess! Brig did not like the taste or texture AT ALL as you can tell from the pictures:) We had a lot of fun watching him make faces though! Everyday I try to give him a little more so he gets used to it.

Later that afternoon, we took Wesley and Brig on a hike up camelback mountain. It was such a beautiful day. BRIG LOVED EVERY SECOND OF THAT HIKE!! He would laugh and squeal and everybody on the trail kept saying "What a happy baby", "Well I'd be that happy too if someone was carrying me up that mountain!" Wesley did great too! He beat Brig to the top and bottom. I think he had a good time even though it was hard work (at least we saved him from boredom...right, Wes?) I will talk to you all soon!

Love Karlie and Brig

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

seveRal pictures of Annie, Dual light setup practice

I took these of Annie some days ago as a lighting experment. I told her I'd throw them up here.

pictuRes from music Appretiation night (seconD annual)

I was finaly able to resize these so that they could be uploaded with [relative] ease. I hope you like them.

Lookin' good Annie!

"Wait, you mean there wasn't really any trianlge in that song?!" -Brandon

Big D playing Master and Commander, it don't get much better than that.

Looks like a fake story to me...

Entras brooma


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

christmas eve tRADition

Dad and I took a few minutes and made the computer like the blog so it now gives me no greif when I try to upload pictures, so here are the ones from our Nth Annual Christmas-Eve football.

Anthropologists have yet to discover the exact meaning of this odd behavior.

"No... this is how Homestare Runner walks!"

Here you can see how Brigham really feels about being held by Wesleyo-tesslyo.

Nothing new here.

Doot doot doo

If anyone ever tries to tell you that Bryce's punts go straight up in the air, you tell them it's not true. They go forward (although only about two feet).

I really like this picture.




"I don't have to listen to this..."

[Brandon's eyes indicate he becomes aware he's being photographed, Wesley is quite amused]

"How dare you take pictures of us arguing?"

All better now.

Cat like reflexes-foiled punch.

I don't get it. I'm certain he is white, but he is jumping like a black man!!!

One word: Ninja.
Another two words: for reals.
One more word: deadly.
Advice: don't get on his bad side.

Is someone at the door [Lauren]?

[I'm not sure how to spell the sound that describes this photo. Leave your guesses in the comments]

Do you see what I see? NO, bRAD didn't include it in the photograph.