Tuesday, January 22, 2008

pictuRes from music Appretiation night (seconD annual)

I was finaly able to resize these so that they could be uploaded with [relative] ease. I hope you like them.

Lookin' good Annie!

"Wait, you mean there wasn't really any trianlge in that song?!" -Brandon

Big D playing Master and Commander, it don't get much better than that.

Looks like a fake story to me...

Entras brooma



Lindsey said...


And just for the record, there WAS a triangle part in that song... you think that I could FAKE something like that, or make it up on the spot?!!! I'm good, but I'm not THAT good.

Thanks Mom for throwing-yet again-such a great party!

MYU8 said...

EARN!!!!!!!!!!!MONEY!!!!!!!!!!ON THE INTERNET JUST LOG ON TO: www.jobmanila.blogspot.com